Sunday, July 3, 2011

Rarangkasan Cijolang sebagai Objek Wisata Tahunan

After previous success in 2010, Rarangkasan cijolang as a tourist attraction has now been completed in co-operation for mutual cooperation again with the whole village Tangkolo community, especially youth who had a big hand in its formation. Starting from the formation team, request permission, even to provide the funding necessary for the achievement of the idea rarangkasan cijolang this year.

Let us say thanks to village heads. H. Carwa along with the village of them all,  (Ali Rustandi) assisted by the members residing in rural areas tangkolo, entire village communities that support Tangkolo formed Rarangkasan Part II of this tour.

Rarangkasan Cijolang, although a minor attraction but is able to provide satisfaction for the citizens of the daily Tangkolo are and go out of town or who are in Tangkolo and surrounding areas.

Attractions making process was completed in early July 2011 to create a view of a small island de middle. and since the first inauguration of the enthusiasm of the original residents and the surrounding is very large, so the attraction is predicted to attract pengunjng more later in the month of Ramadan. While waiting for iftar time comes, usually ternd ngabuburit tradition would be more special with the presence of this attraction.

And also for immigrants and citizens are going home tangkolo (IWT) will feel comfortable and proud to see the development of birth region can grow and thrive.

Because the moment this attraction as a tourist attraction for the current year, usually as last year closed with the show ngagubyag or often referred to as Tangkolo Munday for residents to fish in the event cijolang Ngaheurap way, Nganco (using nets), and the use ngobeng empty-handed.

Congratulations on the inauguration of Attraction Rarangkasan Part II, In addition to generating revenue is also a source of pride for residents in the area Tangkolo or tergabuung in Tangkolo Residents Association who are in overseas.

Attractions: The following image tag which I received from Rarangkasan  friend who was in Tangkolo.
Foto Rarangkasan Tahun 2010

Foto kegiatan rarangkasan 2011